
This is a blog about technology, law, policy, philosophy, and other things I find worth writing about for others to read.

As a geek, lawyer, and philosopher, I think we live in a fascinating time of rapid change that is dramatically outstripping our social, legal, and political abilities to cope with that change. Technology is driving changes that are unprecedented in history at a breakneck pace. Technology empowers us to do incredible things, but it also empowers us to do nasty things, and historically speaking we humans have a rocky period of adaptation before we figure out such things.

Technology means there are incredible possibilities for what we can do. However, the question on which all our fates depend is this: what should we do?


I hope you read and are inspired, challenged, and intrigued, but I’ll settle for interested.

Thanks for reading,

Evan Jensen,


As a firm believer in open source, creative commons, and in the importance of a vibrant public domain, all my writings on this blog are published under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 license.


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