Two Perspectives on Tokens

It seems to me that there are two conflicting views on the meaning and usefulness of tokens, and these views fundamentally differ as to the significance and purpose of a crypto asset. One of these views is conducive to long-term, organic growth and an efficient, healthy economy built on an international blockchain, and in my opinion the alternative perspective is short-term, misguided, and even parasitic on the efforts of others.

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The Era of the Crowdsale

Once upon a time, raising money required endless schmoozing and connections with investment firms or ultra-rich individual investors. Investment was generally believed to be the province of special investment banks and funds. However, the democratizing effect of the internet has forever changed that dynamic, and it isn’t entirely clear how the new economy is going to eventually take shape. From Kickstarter to crypto crowdsales, these days it seems like everyone and their dog is a “quasi-investor” which creates an entire realm of complexity and risk which we will have no choice but to wrestle with for many years to come.

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Seattle Ethereum Meetup Law Panel

I recently had the privilege to speak on a panel at the Seattle Ethereum Meetup about issues and developments in blockchain law. It was a fascinating set of topics covered, touching on a wide range of areas in the law and how it applies to blockchains and blockchain startups. The heavy topic on everyone’s minds was the recent DAO hack which was touched on frequently from many different angles.

The video of the panel is posted on YouTube and I highly recommend you check it out.




Crypto 2.0 and Securities Laws

Blockchain applications are taking off in a huge way, with an incredible array of different projects tackling every imaginable purpose. It’s the Wild West, and nobody has the answers on exactly how this will eventually shake out. There are countless potentially critical issues that must be addressed, both technological and legal, and it will take years before we as a society have figured out the place that Crypto 2.0 will play in our world.

But there is one issue that seems particularly immediate and pressing, with dramatic implications for Crypto 2.0. Securities laws. Are crypto assets securities? Should they be?

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What is Bitcoin, and Why it Really Matters


Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin. It’s controversial, its unstable, half the world loves it and the other half thinks it’s a fad.

However instead of delving too deeply into Bitcoin itself, I want to discuss the true innovation, the really disruptive breakthrough that Bitcoin represents and why that breakthrough will have such tremendous impact on the future.

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